Acupuncture, Headaches, Migraines

Treat Migraines, Love Life Again 

Acupuncture for Headaches and Migraines

Migraines and headaches can be the result of multiple different health and environmental factors. Fortunately, many of these can be addressed by a combination of therapies available at Jackupuncture, including orthopedic acupuncture and dry needling. We have great success treating headaches and migraines, which can include addressing related muscular dysfunction and trigger points; using electroacupuncture to increase blood flow to the head and improve autonomic nervous system function; providing nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle guidance to support your body’s overall health.

We regularly assist patients with migraines and headaches, helping them end daily use of medications and returning to the things they love with fewer or no symptoms. In some cases, patients who experience significant relief without full resolution may want to consider scheduling a Brain and Concussion Care Consult to more fully address their needs, as there may be other issues related to systems of the brain that need to be addressed. Fortunately, we are equipped with the tools to assess and address headaches due to peripheral (body, nervous system) and central (brain) issues which provides the opportunity for a much greater rate of success.

Acupuncture is commonly sought for anxiety and is quite successful in helping patients suffering from the various symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. While we do not diagnose anxiety at Jackupuncture, we do use the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAM-A) and GAD-7 to track progress for patients who may be suffering from anxiety. HAM-A and GAD-7 are self-reported questionnaires that rate a patient’s anxiety symptoms. Our PeakMIND patients regularly show significant improvements on both, HAM-A and GAD-7.

Sleep plays an important role in good mental health, and can be an additional hurdle for those experiencing anxiety. As sleep plays such a pivotal part in mental and overall health, we try to support all patients with guidance on sleep hygiene and lifestyle changes, as well as professional referrals whenever necessary. The improvements in sleep PeakMIND patients regularly report benefit everyone experiencing physical and mental health issues. By helping improve patients’ quantity and quality of sleep, PeakMIND increases the opportunity for the various processes necessary for brain and body restoration to take place, helping put better mental health in reach for people experiencing anxiety. 

Acupuncture for Headaches and Migraines

Migraines and headaches can be the result of multiple different health and environmental factors. Fortunately, many of these can be addressed by a combination of therapies available at Jackupuncture, including orthopedic acupuncture and dry needling. We have great success treating headaches and migraines, which can include addressing related muscular dysfunction and trigger points; using electroacupuncture to increase blood flow to the head and improve autonomic nervous system function; providing nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle guidance to support your body’s overall health.

We regularly assist patients with migraines and headaches, helping them end daily use of medications and returning to the things they love with fewer or no symptoms. In some cases, patients who experience significant relief without full resolution may want to consider scheduling a Brain and Concussion Care Consult to more fully address their needs, as there may be other issues related to systems of the brain that need to be addressed. Fortunately, we are equipped with the tools to assess and address headaches due to peripheral (body, nervous system) and central (brain) issues which provides the opportunity for a much greater rate of success.

Acupuncture is commonly sought for anxiety and is quite successful in helping patients suffering from the various symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. While we do not diagnose anxiety at Jackupuncture, we do use the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAM-A) and GAD-7 to track progress for patients who may be suffering from anxiety. HAM-A and GAD-7 are self-reported questionnaires that rate a patient’s anxiety symptoms. Our PeakMIND patients regularly show significant improvements on both, HAM-A and GAD-7.

Sleep plays an important role in good mental health, and can be an additional hurdle for those experiencing anxiety. As sleep plays such a pivotal part in mental and overall health, we try to support all patients with guidance on sleep hygiene and lifestyle changes, as well as professional referrals whenever necessary. The improvements in sleep PeakMIND patients regularly report benefit everyone experiencing physical and mental health issues. By helping improve patients’ quantity and quality of sleep, PeakMIND increases the opportunity for the various processes necessary for brain and body restoration to take place, helping put better mental health in reach for people experiencing anxiety.



Migraines are typically moderate to severe headaches characterized by a throbbing or pounding sensation. While they often occur on one side of the head, they can also be experienced anywhere on the head, neck, and face. At their peak intensity, migraines are commonly associated with sensitivity to light, noise, and/or smells, and nausea, which can be exacerbated by physical activity, leading to disability in some cases.

Migraine pain can also be felt in the face, sometimes leading to misdiagnosis as a sinus headache; or in the neck, which may be mistaken for arthritis or muscle spasm.

Get Help From a Brain Specialist

Do What You Love, Headache Free

Acupuncture is commonly sought for headaches and migraines. At Jackupuncture, we offer a combination of orthopedic, medical, and traditional acupuncture to help address many of the causes behind these issues.

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