Unlock a New World of Peak Performance
PeakMIND is Jackupuncture’s solution for enhancing cognitive function and emotional well-being. This innovative treatment is also the foundation of our approach to rehabbing concussions and turning back the tides on cognitive decline.
What if there were a way to strengthen your mental and emotional stability? Improve happiness and self-confidence?
Want to clear the road to a championship season or belt? Discover what a healthy mind and body can do for your sports performance.
Experiencing brain fog? Finding it hard to remember recent events, conversations, dates or names? What if there were a way to improve your brain’s cognitive resources?
Be at your best. Feel at your best. Perform at your best. BE YOUR BADDEST!
PeakMIND Offers Cognitive Rejuvenation
PeakMIND has helped people from a wide range of backgrounds with various issues, including dementia and concussion. See what some of them have had to say about their experience.

What Patients Say about PeakMIND
During training, it took me 2 or 3 draws before I was able to respond, like I was slow. I could see what I was doing, but couldn’t do what I should. Now, I draw my guy in and can immediately react. After PeakMIND, it’s like I can do what I’m supposed to and now I’m faster doing it.
I feel more connected to the ocean. I can see everything around me and am present in the moment. That’s so important in surfing.
It feels like I’m micro-dosing everyday and it just keeps getting better. This has helped me overcome trauma I’ve been carrying since high school. I’ve tried everything: psychiatry, hypnotherapy, mindset coaching, psychedelics. This is what made the difference.
What you’re doing is so cutting edge. I can’t believe people aren’t breaking down your door. In just 2 weeks of treatment, the whole family and friends have noticed how much better my husband has been. He’s able to carry on a conversation, become more aware of himself, and now has a sense of how to continue improving on his own.
Simply put, PeakMIND gave me my life back. Thank you Jack, I know you will continue to save and improve many lives with the work you do, and myself, my daughter, family and friends are forever grateful for all you have done for me.
PeakMIND is like legal brain doping. It’s given me faster reaction time and heightened focus.
I’ve always suffered from concentration issues and, basically, for my entire adult life I’ve experienced chronic fatigue. That leads to me putting off or dropping tasks I’m supposed to do. The very first week I started PeakMIND, I noticed a subtle but significant breakthrough. I was a lot more productive than I would’ve been otherwise, and I don’t see that changing any time soon.
The PeakMIND treatment improved my ability to get to sleep quickly and stay asleep for longer periods of time. This has continued to improve, now averaging 5-7 hrs of continuous sleep, whereas my average before treatment was 2 hrs. That alone made the treatment hugely beneficial to me. I’m also experiencing continued improvement in focused concentration and an overall improvement in mood and the ability to handle stress. Highly recommend!
It’s as though the world has shifted from black and white to color. This has made my life amazing. Thank you!