Specialized Assessments
Specialized Assessments For a Successful Treatment
Combining Chinese medicine and western research, we are able to provide superior care for all your health needs. Superior care starts with a better assessment. This sets us apart from any other provider for acupuncture in Honolulu.
Exstore is a functional system of assessment that helps identify neuromuscular inhibition, which will be experienced as weakness during the test.
Additional physical exams and system scans are used to identify areas for improving individual athletic performance.
Assessments before the active season, competition training or fight camp provide important baseline data that can be used to asses for injury and declines in performance.
WAVi measures and analyzes the electrical activity of your brain to help identify areas of healthy and impaired performance.
What best describes your visit today?
Break Free of Pain
Concussion Rehab & Peak Performance
Recover Faster & Become Your Baddest Self
Concussion Rehab & Peak Performance